Bellissimo Brows

From the blog

Is Microblading Painful?

Is microblading painful, does it hurt?

“Is microblading painful” or “does it hurt”, is one of the main questions that I always get from clients.  Having been on the other side of the microblading needles, I will say that my personal experience was tolerable.  I was more anxious to see my improved brows, than I was about any discomfort.  Not saying that there wasn’t discomfort, but it was nothing compared to sitting in the dentist chair (if that helps lol).  On the other hand, some people have a very low tolerance for pain.  So what was more of an annoyance for me, might be a whole different experience for someone else.  Fortunately for those who are skittish about getting their brows microbladed, we numb you during the process.

What the clients say….

One of my first clients, was my 75 year old mother.  Who has never had anything permanent done outside of getting her ears pierced way back in the day.  Putting this into perspective, she had her ears pierced the old fashioned way with a potato and a hot needle.  That’s how they did it back then, there weren’t any piercing guns lol!  So needless to say, she was a little skeptical about the pain.  After adding the first strokes for her new brows, her initial reaction was that it wasn’t that bad.  So before going back over the first strokes and adding some additional ones, I numbed her to lessen any discomfort.  She was surprised to notice that she could barely feel any discomfort throughout the rest of the process.  I’m explaining all of this not to say that you will have the same experience, but to let you know that it is all in how you tolerate pain.  For those of who have had tattoos, you may have a better understanding of what it may feel like.

Mom brows, 1 day after microblading

Client comfort is key…..

I want my clients to be comfortable and at ease.  To start, I provide an atmosphere with calming aromatherapy and music (your choice or mine) to help make you more relaxed during the process.  Once we decide on your brow shape, I begin the process of microblading your brows.  With the first pass I don’t go deep enough to insert the pigment, so you may feel a little discomfort.  The first pass allows me to apply the numbing gel that will get into your skin so that the gel is more effective.  Once you’re numb I go back through the initial strokes to get deeper into the dermis and deposit the pigment.  At this point most people don’t feel anything, but some do.  If I have to go back over the strokes again to get the pigment in deeper, I will add more numbing gel to ease any discomfort.  All in all, the actual microblading process takes about 30-45 minutes.

What you don’t want is for the microblading artist not to get into upper dermis “sweet spot” because that is where they need to be to create nice crisp strokes that retain retain the pigment.  If they don’t deposit the pigment into the skin deep enough, your microblading will fade and you will most likely need to have it touched up sooner.

Hopefully this helps prepare you for your microblading and helps to ease some of your thoughts and answer some of your questions!  Please feel free to reach out to me if you have more questions:)